About Us

Children have the capability and the competence to learn a great amount of knowledge and skills at a very early age. We can help the children grow and succeed by creating and providing rich play experiences. Our knowledgeable and nurturing staff understands that each child is an individual and through our programming we also provide an enriched, safe and nurturing environment for them. Play provides the foundation for success. Learning Together Childcare and our staff demonstrates the values of respect for diversity, equity and inclusion by actively promoting the engagement of all children and their families.

We believe that in order to give children the best experiences in their early years, we need to provide a physically and emotionally SAFE environment. Our program must fully ENGAGE the children in active learning and making connections to everyday living. We must create experiences that CHALLENGE every child in their own unique way and to participate in many different experiences. We thrive on having the SUPPORT and encouragement from qualified staff and families.


The benefits of emergent curriculum is that it ensures that:

  • Children’s interests are the base of their development. They decide what they would like to learn through choosing their own play based materials.
  • Each child can express their uniqueness and individuality,
  • The curriculum is an extension of the children’s family life and celebrates the diversity of all families,
  • It encourages parental involvement in our program and the children’s learning.
  • Environment offers a wide variety of planned and spontaneous age appropriate activities based on the child’s development. The equipment and environment are set up for children to be encouraged to make choices based upon their current interests and is aesthetically pleasing for the children to feel calm and at ease.
  • Encourages positive individual and group learning. Smaller groups allow educators to focus on more individual needs.

At Learning Together Childcare, we optimize children’s learning and development by setting goals and expectations for the children around the four foundations set out in “How Does Learning Happen?” Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years. These four foundations are Belonging, Well-Being, Engagement and Expression.

  • Every child has a sense of Belonging when he or she is connected to others and contributes to their world.
  • Every child is developing a sense of self, health and Well-being
  • Every child is an active and Engaged learner who explores the world with body, mind and senses.
  • Every child is a capable communicator who Expresses himself or herself in many ways.

Our emergent curriculum is planned by observing what the children are interested in, lots of classroom discussions, and creative brainstorming. This allows the children’s experiences and learning to grow in many different creative directions.